Ever since I got married the only fear I had was will I be able to do all the household work alone ?
Will i be able to accomplish all my responsibilities of being a daughter in law and wife ?
And yes my mom was always right !
My mom is a single parent . We lost our father when I was 15 years old . She has always been a full time working women and gave us all the best we could ever get .
Now that I have become a mom I realise how right she was in every aspect of life .
She was 100 % correct to whatever she said .
She stood like a rock behind me in all decisions of my life .
Why I am writing this because we forget to appreciate and acknowledge our mothers who have done so much for us .
I really feel that she was always correct in whatever she said .
She told me that marriage is not easy at all .
You have to be a multitasking person to complete all your responsibilities .
After my marriage and after having Baby D I have realised that it’s not easy to be a mother and wife .
It’s damn difficult to fulfil all the expectations and responsibilities of being a daughter in law , wife and mother .
Now that I have become a mother I have realised that my mom is always right in every aspect of life .
This post is a part of a blog train organised by Elina Wadia where 20 Indian moms have come together to write on how their own mothers were right! To read her article on the same topic, click here https://www.momfunda.com/2018/01/15/my-mom-was-right/
Also, make sure to check this interesting article written by a fellow mom blogger,https://momzjourney.wordpress.com/2018/01/15/my-mom-was-right
Thank you so much for stopping by and reading this article about my life .
Stay tuned for more .